Track and manage your research participants with ease.

Your Research CRM for Continuous Discovery.

Build your own participant panel to match your research needs.

Import your existing contact list or build your own panel in just a few clicks. Create segments with specific criteria to recruit the right participants for your research.

man, woman, chat, talk, conversation, communication, team work, project, management, business, marke.svg
woman, schedule, date, deadline, clock, time, hourglass, appointment, calendar.svg

Schedule interviews or send out surveys in minutes, not hours.

Save time on manual participant management and remove tedious admin. Create cohorts and engage with all participants efficiently through Ponder.

Filter out low-quality participants with our profile rating system.

Rate each participant based on their engagement to curate your own genuine research panel. Reduce risk of unreliable responses and gain confidence in your research findings.

man, woman, search, find, scan, magnifier, profile, account, user, employee, rating, reviedw.svg
man, woman, profile, user, account, privacy, protection, shield, security, safety.svg

Manage consent, NDAs, payments all in one place for research compliance.

View at a glance whether all documents have been signed before you conduct interviews. Gain peace of mind knowing you're compliant with data privacy regulations at all times.

Track participants across research projects with a holistic view.

Link participant responses to specific projects to improve context for data source. Consolidate scattered information and help your team better understand existing research data.

man, woman, communication, smartphone, call, video call, chat, talk, group.svg

Research grows revenue, not overhead.

Ponder is here to help you prove this.

Make research more scalable for you.

Reduce your time spent on admin, and spend more on learning about your users and customers instead.

Make research more reliable for you.

Curate your own panel, worry less about bot responses, and spend more time identifying insights.

Make research more actionable for you.

Unify your research data, break down silos and make it easily searchable and available to everyone.

Make it easier to get buy-in for you.

Save time, save money. The best propositions to help you get approval for more research projects.

Join our waitlist to get early access.

Get more out of your research with Ponder.
